Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spring Garden Fair May 6-7

Admission is now $5, but trust us, it is worth every penny! I might also be slightly addicted to the kettle corn that makes an appearance at the Good Thyme Food Court every year. ;)
I can't believe it is next weekend! It has been a scurry of activity around here getting new signage printed, designing new artwork, and some last minute brain-storming on how to freshen up our booth!  As you can see in the map below, we are just a row away from the front entrance.

This year we will offer the same plants as last, in our deep mini tree pots:
Native to the PNW are Asclepias fascicularis and Asclepias speciosa, and varieties for the small home garden, non-spreading ornamentals such as Asclepias tuberosa and Asclepias incarnata.

We will also have seeds! We have seeds for Asclepias speciosa, A. incarnata, and A. tuberosa this year. We are also expanding to include education on the importance of nectar plants, so we will offer very easy to grow native Pacific Northwest wildflower seed mix. It was a great joy working on this artwork. My husband Josh prints the milkweed seed packets lovingly with wood block ink, as the stamps sometimes are not so receptive to normal ink pad ink.

Unfortunately we could not offer wildflower plants at this time. With the long winter, even the milkweed is several weeks behind last year's growing rates!

Come say hello! Free stickers for all, and we will also have coloring sheets for the kids, seed bombs, buttons and bookmarks for sale, and as always we are happy to chat about any and everything Monarch!  See you next week and tell your friends. :)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Spring Garden Fair!

It is almost time for our biggest event of the year! The  Spring  Garden Fair!

 Mark your calenders for May 6-7! It is an amazing must go-to event for plant lovers. We just got our booth assignment, C-5, so come by if you want plants and seeds for the monarchs!! More details to come soon. Check out their site in the meantime. :)