Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Spring Garden Show 2018 ! May 5th & 6th

Head to the website for more detailed info on who will be vending, and for a list of food court vendors (yummy!). https://springgardenfair.org/
We are in the same spot as last year, C5! Can't miss us ! :) We just got back from a much needed trip, and I am just a bundle of jetlag. We have some straggler envelopes to address, but after the Garden Fair you are best to wait until Fall to get the seeds going. We are still happy to send out seeds, but that is our planting advice for now.

In the meantime, rain rain, please go away! I think Oregon has had enough rain from now judging from how tall the grass got on our lawn, and how sleepy our little mason bees are! Crossing fingers it will be a warm Spring weekend, but not holding our breaths either. We will have a little gift bag goodie donated to the Fair's annual raffle. I am always a sucker for that raffle, but still no raffle or rototiller for me year after year. ;)

This year we will offer the same plants as last, in our deep mini tree pots. We have potted up our plants in a deeper, bigger pot this year though with this cold and dreary spring it hasn't given them too much of a boost. Sigh! But at least it will be less of a transplant shock, and they should do really well once they're in the ground. 

Native to the PNW are Asclepias fascicularis and Asclepias speciosa, and varieties for the small home garden, non-spreading ornamentals such as Asclepias tuberosa and Asclepias incarnata. 

We have seeds for Asclepias speciosa, A. incarnata, and A. tuberosa for sale this year, as well as our lovely PNW wildflower seed mix that has many nectar providing plants the Monarch butterfly adults absolutely love. 

Come say hello! We will have free stickers for kids and adults, and we will also have coloring sheets for the kids, wildflower seed bombs, cute and fun buttons and bookmarks for sale, and as always we are happy to chat about any and everything Monarch!

See you soon and tell your friends. :)

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